We have been taught to mind our Ps and Qs, since we were kids. 

Say please. Say thank you. 

And we have mostly done a great job of adhering to it. Well, mostly 

However, notice how our thank you are almost always trigger-based 

Someone does something for us. Thank you. 

Someone brings something for us. Thank you. 

Someone helps us. Thank you. 

Someone listens to us. Thank you. 

Someone shows us the path. Thank you. 

At some point in our learning, we forgot that thank you is way more important, when there is no trigger. 

You have been there whenever I needed you. Thank you. 

You have been so helpful during this period. Thank you. 

I was thinking of the good times we have shared. Thank you. 

I have seen you and learnt so much from you. Thank you. 

I think you are such a great human. Thank you. 

Whenever you acknowledge someone or something, even your own life, without any trigger, it triggers the most under-rated virtue of all – gratitude. 

Saying thank you is manners. 

Feeling thankful is behavior.