My life is currently spelt…

P – O – S – E – I – D – O – N

And am sure that K, G, A have the same spelling…!

Its crazy…and I admit…a lot of fun. Organizing fests is something I always used to look out for during my college days. I used to sulk over the fact that only the 3rd years get to organize it and act all pricey and powerful…and us juniors are only for the photocopying, calling shady sponsors and basically ass wiping…!

But then…the work is a lot…and at times I don’t envy K for being the MCC VP. It’s shit load of work…and he is doing a great job. Am not sure if I was capable of the same.

G is just like……”warikooooooooooo…what to doooooooooo……”…disappears for 3 days…reemerges…writes some mails…and then her dark circles begin to scare me…before I ask her to go off to sleep. Holy shit…she goes to E and S’s place…to god damn watch ‘desperate housewives’…!

Classes are going on good…options and futures rocks…I really like it…! Fixed income is at times taxing…financial analysis is cool…and advances corp fin is cool too. Am planning to take 3 fin courses next term…and one faf course. Will be in E’s section…so that will be rocking…would be awesome working with her…infact I am curiously waiting to work with her…

This Saturday was the 1st party of the term. Was held at SV1. and it was totally rocking…and the fact that I was there till 3am…explains much of it. I mean…3am…for a party…I wont probably stay beyond that time for even my marriage party…! S had come down to stay with G for the weekend…and all of us had gone out for dinner to Angeethi. Yet again…rocking food…super rock solid meethi lassi…!!

Waiting for the Masterplan results, to be announced tomorrow. Mannn…I cant tell you how badly we want to be there…it’s like a never before feeling. The plan has consumed all of us…we cant help but think about it…talk about it…and what not.

This reminds me…the boys had a gathering at my place this Friday. Had a rocking time…ordered pizza for dinner…watched SNATCH…and laughed our hearts out discussing people on campus…! Mind you…no bitching…!

Life is so desperately looking for happiness right now…that meethi lassis and masterplan dreams are giving me orgasms…!

